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Pamper the chef

5 Jan

When you begin to cook seriously you truly understand the importance of washing your hands thoroughly and constantly. Particularly if you’re going to do something like make your own root beer. I did that once as a project in my AP Chemistry class. Never again. That horrible experience taught me a hugely important lesson. Wash your hands. Use anti-bacterial/anti-microbial soap, lather up real well, get up to your wrists and under your nails, and sing “Happy Birthday” twice while you’re doing it. (That last part I learned from my aunt, an RN). I’ve learned to take many precautions while cooking. Not only can the bacteria on your hands make someone (or yourself) very sick, it can dramatically change the outcome of your dish. Today I’d like to go over some basic cooking sanitation precautions, and how to undo the damage all that soap and hot water can do to your hands.

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Kitchen Staples

16 Oct

Several years ago I moved out of my parents house. I loved the “freedom” that came with living with my fiance. There was no one asking where I was going when I left and no need for explanations when I came home at 6 AM. I could stock my kitchen with whatever I wanted and didn’t have to worry about someone eating all of my food. I could finally have soda and caffeinated coffee at my fingertips when I woke up with no need to make an stop on my way to work. It was completely wonderful, at first that is. Two years later, due to unfortunate circumstances across the board, my fiance and I found ourselves moving into my parents house. I had gotten laid off and my father had become very ill, so our only choice was to swallow our pride and move in with my parents. Its gotten easier over time. I’ve accepted that the reduced cost of living and benefit of a live in babysitter greatly outweighs any feelings of failure. Not to mention, full use of a much larger kitchen than the one in our apartment.

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